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Interview with Bruno Rughoobur


Interview with Bruno.docx

I interviewed a local restaurant owner of a bistro called le Sablier (the hourglass) who has started the company “Esprit Planet” which makes reusable plastic cups for festivals in Rennes. He believes in buying locally and recycling. He preferred not to be recorded with audio or video so the following is a translated summery of the interview:


Although Bruno does not always profit in terms of capital when it comes to some of the choices he makes, he says he does it for “bien etre” (“well being”), for living in a good way. He refuses to work with the monopolies such as coca-cola and globalization in general. Instead he buys “Brest-cola”, basically coke (I can testify that it tastes exactly the same) but that is made in our region of Brittany. It is up to the citizen to not leave things the way they are but to take initiative. An example of an everyday choice he makes for his business is choosing a German beer over an organic American bio beer because of the carbon footprint of shipping. He believes that education in one’s own culture is very important in order to preserve it and resist globalization. The consumer is rapidly loosing their culture as he chooses to go to super markets instead of local “epiceries”. It is a way of life that is on the daily scale. However here is the paradox: We must consume less and live simpler lifestyles, rich in our own local communities and cultures yet we can also enjoy the “paillets du civilization” (“glitter of civilization”). Bruno admitted that he loves sports cars and he indulges from time to time but the importance is a balance. Bruno explained that man is an animal  yet he was given his intelligence to solve the destruction he causes. We must be able to create inventions and to come up with solutions that will solve our problems so they do not hurt the future generations. For example we should invent alternative energy sources and go “bio” and respect the land and not bust and sterilize it. However, it is up to each citizen to make choices on the most basic level to initiate these changes.


That is what I like about Rennes, the community is so unique with the Breton culture (the food[gallettes, palet Breton, Kouign Aman that are sold at local backeries], the language Breton that is taught in Diwan school and on steet signs, historical sites that are preserved) and also French culture in general (the massive outdoor markets once a week with everyone goes, the individual shops such as les patisseries, les boulangeries, butchers [individual for fish, charcutrie, etc]), eating in cafes for 3 hours, big family dinners, the old manoirs, etc.



The following are links to



1."Esprit Planet"  the company Bruno Rubhoobur created: http://www.espritplanete.com/













2. A newspaper article about the company:




Le gobelet vert « made in Breizh » est rennais - Rennes

mardi 04 mai 2010




Des Rennais se sont lancés dans la fabrication de gobelet réutilisable 100 % made in breizh,pour les festivals bretons. 0 % carbone.


Les habitués des festivals de musique ou de certaines salles de concert les connaissent sûrement. Les gobelets en plastique remplacent peu à peu les jetables. Consignés à 1 €, ils servent souvent de souvenir pour les festivaliers nostalgiques. Mais ces gobelets en plastique sont-ils vraiment écolo ? Pas si sûr quand on sait que la plupart sont fabriqués en Chine et donc transportés par avion jusqu'en France. Pour l'empreinte carbone, on repassera.

La solution est venue de Rennes, du café-concert le Sablier. C'est là que Bruno Rughoobur, le patron du bistrot, a eu l'idée de faire fabriquer des gobelets « made in Breizh » pour les festivals bretons.

Il a confié à Charlotte Stanquic le soin de développer la petite société Esprit Planète. « Nous ne faisons pas du Green Washing, cette tendance publicitaire qui met en avant l'éthique là où il n'y en a pas toujours comme ces gobelets qui certes, ne polluent pas nos sites, mais dont la fabrication est loin d'être écolo. »

Pas moralisateur pour deux sous, Esprit Planète plaide pour une empreinte carbone diminuée. « Nos gobelets sont en plastique, un matériau polluant. Mais ils sont fabriqués à partir de chute de boîtiers de CD ou de DVD par une société basée à Louvigné-de-Bais près de Rennes. » Une empreinte carbone donc très atténuée pour la livraison. Mythos a été le premier événement « gobé » par Esprit Planète.

Idée brevetée

Du plastique recyclé et une innovation ludique : une petite languette sur le bord du gobelet permettant de l'accrocher à la ceinture ou de l'empiler. Une bonne idée brevetée en mars au moment de la création de la toute jeune entreprise.

Et les projets ? Charlotte, encore étudiante en master de communication, deviendra salariée cet été. En cas de bénéfices, Esprit Planète s'improvisera mécène pour des musiciens, la passion commune de Bruno et Charlotte.





The cup green "Made in Breizh" is Rennes - Rennes

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This local business of Rennes has embarked in the manufacture of reusable cups 100% Made in Breizh, Brittany for festivals. 0% carbon footprint.

The initiative

Those familiar with music festivals or some concert halls surely know. Plastic cups are gradually replacing the disposable. Recorded at 1 €, they often serve as nostalgic memories for the festival, left polluting the ground. But these plastic cups are they really green? Not so sure when we know that most are made in China and thus flown to France. For the carbon footprint, we can forget about it.

The solution came from Rennes, coffee-concert bistro called “le Sablier” (the Hourglass). This is where Bruno Rughoobur, the boss of the bar, had the idea to make cups Made in Breizh "for festivals in Brittany.

He told Charlotte Stanquic the task of developing the small company Planet Spirit. "We do not Green Washing, the trend of advertising, which emphasizes ethics where there is not always true that these cups , do not pollute our sites, but the processing is far from green. "

No moralizing two cents, Planet Spirit calls for reduced carbon footprint. "Our cups are plastic, a material pollutant. But they are made ​​from used CD or DVD boxes from a company based in Louvigné-de-Bais near Rennes. " A very reduced carbon footprint for delivery. Mythos was the first event "swallowed" by Planet Spirit.

Patented idea

Recycled plastic and a playful innovation: a small tab on the edge of the cup to hang on a belt or stacking. A good idea patented in March at the time of the creation of the fledgling company.

And projects? Charlotte, still a student in master of communication, become employed this summer. In case of profits, Planet Spirit improvised patron of musicians, the passion of Bruno and Charlotte.


Marie-CAROF Gadella.








3. an ad on “le Sablier” http://www.lesablier.fr/ monthly newsletter 


Esprit Planète

Toute l'année


Pour l'achat, la vente et la location de gobelets plastiques recyclables pour tout type de manifestation, contactez l'association Esprit Planète. Des gobelets fabriqués et imprimés en Bretagne innovants : même plus besoin de porte gobelet!
Informations et contacts sur le site : www.espritplanete.com



“For the purchase, sale, and leasing of recyclable plastic cups for any type of event, contact the association Planet Spirit. Innovative cups manufactured and printed in Brittany: even has cupholders!
Information and contacts at: www.espritplanete.com

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